Thursday, January 26, 2006

CuteCircuit is an interaction design and product development lab specialized in the development of wearable interfaces for telecommunication, as well as interactive environments and art installations. Unlike many technology based garments, CuteCircuit's work is viable and integrates technology in a uniquely organic way.

Kinetic Dress is a Victorian inspired evening gown reactive to the wearer's activities and mood. It is sewn of an elastic textile embedded with sensors that follows closely the body of the wearer. The sensors are able to capture the wearer's movements and interaction with others and display this data through the electroluminescent embroidery that covers the external skirt section of the dress.

Skirteleon is a skirt changes color and pattern according to the wearer's activities and mood. It is manufactured with a context aware laminated textile that changes color on-demand, upon user interaction or alternatively during the course of a predefined time period. The Skirteleon primary color state is blue, but upon user interaction could present diverse colors and patterns.

Accessory Nerve is a Bluetooth mono-sleeve accessory for mobile phones that changes pattern (creating pleats on the fabric) when a user receives phone calls. The wearer recognizes the sender from the pattern the pleats create when receiving an incoming call. If the user is in a meeting or busy can simply flatten the pleats back into the original position, automatically the caller will receive a text message saying "I'll call you back later". The Accessory Nerve allows users to exchange information and greetings in a subtle and intimate way.

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