Sunday, August 11, 2002

Last post from me about Factory Records for a while... I swear: Peter Saville interview from the AIGA and ID Magazine.
More here and here.

A favorite excerpt about the difference between making work and going to work. (Maybe this is why I will never have an office job again... )

Q: "Presumably the company found your notorious habits - the late starts, non-arrivals, and all-nighters - pretty baffling. "

Saville: "It baffled Pentagram when I was there, it baffles me actually, and of course in America, with the American work ethic, it's just unheard of. I have a real problem with going to work for the sake of going to work. When I have to produce something, I do it. When I don't have to work to realize, I'm looking for what to do. In a way, I work all the time, but I've never disciplined myself or been in a situation that disciplined me into going into an office at 9.30 in the morning and staying there until six o'clock and then going home."

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