Saturday, February 08, 2003

This week I was up at the Rhode Island School of Design talking to my buddy Ryan's exhibit design class. The furniture department there will be showing at the Milan Furniture Fair this spring, and this unique course is responsible for RISD's booth - taking it from concept through fabrication, to set-up in Italy, and hopefully safe return to Providence. Used to seeing companies spend millions of dollars on exhibits, watching a booth go up for twenty-five hundred bucks is pretty darn impressive. The basic concept of pixelated milk crates for the stand was developed by grad student Andrew Coates, who's Topo Bench was recently Featured in the 2002 ID Magazine Review.

After a year of development, our good friends at Core77 have launched Coroflot version two. Coroflot is recognized as the number one design portfolio, employment and industry resource center on the web. The new site is both lovely and packed with info.

+ Watch for a refresh of Burnlab next week.

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