Thursday, October 21, 2004

My friend Lee Isles has been a very good and important friend and co-worker to me over the past few years. A few months ago, he upped and left his safe harbor of Ypsilanti and voyaged off to the big apple. The best thing about Lee is that...while he may be socially inept at times...he has a heart of gold and is always, ALWAYS willing to help lend a hand if the cause is right, and he's usually the first one on the front lines.

Once again Lee's fighting the good fight. A friend of his teaches English in Harlem, and the resources for textbooks are very VERY low at the moment (no child left behind...except in the lower class, eh W?). He's trying to raise money to help this teacher purchase copies of The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway for a class. They have no copies at hand, and are about $450 or so short of reaching their goal. Now I know pleas and charitable efforts come along every week or so with a new cause, but I urge you to consider making a donation for Lee's cause. He has Paypal all set up and ready to go. He's found a dealer where he can get copies for a really low price. If you can't donate, and you have a blog...please consider linking to his site so others may do so.

I don't like Hemingway. He's not my literary cup of tea, though I do respect and recognize his importance in the world of writing. However, what I don't like even more is people..especially high school students... being denied one of their rights as citizens, which is access to a reasonably sound education.


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