Thursday, March 03, 2005

Last night's BlowOut event was perhaps the best party I've ever been to, let alone been involved in throwing. So much fun. Such a great crowd. And Lee Marvin Computer Arm totally kicked my ass. This is definitely a band to watch. As David DeRoches said, "Like Fugazi with a trumpet." But even crazier. Read the Motor City Rocks review.

Last night kicked off the 8th annual Metro Times Blowout (aka "The Detroit Hipster Convention"). Panel discussions this year included: 'Friendster or My Space?', 'Is PBR still cool to drink?' and 'Has the appropriate number of bands for each person to play in been raised from two to three?'...

Also, Rob does a great job conveying our appreciation to everyone who came out on a school night, and to Jimmy Edgar and Sam Consiglio for doing such an amazing job playing records. Also huge thanks to Anthony and Eve at the Metro Times and Greg at the Majestic for having us do this thing. (Photos later on tonight.)

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