Monday, June 25, 2007

Amusing blog post about Inlieuof:

Can you still be a one hit wonder if only a few hundred people worldwide have ever heard your music? Well, if Detroit's inlieuof were to have had one hit, it would have been Galaxies. The spacey, post punk, shoegaze guitars and some of the best goddam lyrics this side of rock n roll have chewed away at my brain for the past two years. So if you're into that shit, beware, Galaxies may become lodged in your frontal lobe, never to escape.

Unfortunately the members of inlieuof disbanded over a year ago. Songwriter Stephen [?] Lynch continues to push out the post punk tunes as 800beloved, but with darker overtones and more monotone vocals. For some reason his new stuff reminds me of Morrissey. I hate Morrissey.

I vividly remember the first time I played a 96K demo of Galaxies at Dorkwave. (And, obvs, I love Morrissey and think 800beloved is the best band in Detroit... though I don't think 800 sounds anything like Morrissey.)

The original author might like to know that 800beloved's debut LP is nearly complete (including a new version of Galaxies,) and we're very flattered to be told that a track inspired by Ms. Toybreaker and I will be appearing on a compilation form the excellent Moodgadget Records this fall.

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